Consulting emergency room wait times or bed occupancy rates

This article shows you how to consult the Directory for emergency wait times or bed occupancy rates.

Clinia can provide regularly updated data on the average wait time or bed occupancy rate of emergency rooms across Canada. This data is not automatically synced to all workspaces, contact your Clinia representative if you want to access this data inside your organization's Directory.

  • Emergency rooms located in the province of Quebec show the bed occupancy rate. A rate of 100% means they are operating at full capacity.

  • Emergency rooms located outside the province of Quebec show a wait time. Wait times express the average time a patient will wait before seeing a practitioner.

To search for emergency room wait times or bed occupancy rates in your Directory:

Enter a location in the search bar at the top of your Directory Home page and set the Type of resources filter to Emergency. The wait time or bed occupancy rate appears in bold in the top-right corner of each resource card.

If a given emergency room does not have any value displayed in the top-right corner, it means that:

  • Wait times or bed occupancy rates aren't available for this resource. or

  • For reasons out of Clinia's control, the data provided by its sources is not recent enough to be considered accurate.

Last updated